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things I love: part 13

Traveler is offering 2-for-1 day passes! Just use the code: LOVE (after you add two passes to your cart) to get you and a loved one (or new pal!) into their backyard outdoor haven for $20 featuring hot outdoor showers, heated furniture and more (COVID has the cedar sauna closed, very sad). This is a great way to make a fun day at the beach a little more cozy + to support a local business. It's also a way to force myself to get back in the water and on my board (I'm a newb) before the passes expire end of April (accountability!).

So we made this feta/tomato/basil/pasta situation and I have to say, it's a delight. It's easy, delicious and we loved it. We decided to cut up and roast the garlic with the tomatoes - but of course if you're one of those pungent garlic fans (sometimes I am too), follow the recipe as is!

Advice from Devil's Teeth

I once was at Devil's Teeth on Noriega trying to get a half loaf of bread, but told the woman how I always struggle with how hard the bread gets so quickly and she gave me advice that changed my life. She said if you wrap a loaf or a baguette (!!!) in saran, then put it back in the paper bag, it'll stay soft much longer and she was RIGHT. I hope this helps your gluten habits as much as it did mine.

*photos are not my own

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