Hi there! I'm Rachel.
I am an ocean dweller, Chicago native, music lover, traveler, marketer, retreat leader + yoga teacher.
I love bringing people together. Between my work for music festivals, to organizing my own collaborative events fusing beach yoga and ocean conservation, to yoga classes within my community, and hosting retreats - it's important to me that my time is spent working on things that make the world a better place and encourage people to feel joy and connection.
It brings me so much happiness to share the incredible practice of yoga and I feel so fortunate to be able to teach and be a student of it in San Francisco. I fuel my classes by curated playlists and welcome all to join - come as you are, explore and be grateful for all your body does for you every day. Want to say hi, have a question, or want me to teach at an event or for your company? Reach out below!
Sign up for my periodic yoga newsletter here and you can learn more about my marketing background here. Be well!